Disclosures / Privacy
“BBS” as used in this website, refers to Bradley Bernstein Sands LLP. BBS provides the material on this website for general informational purposes, not as legal advice. The website is subject to change without notice.
The information communicated by BBS through this website does not create an attorney-client relationship with you. BBS does not intend this website as a solicitation to create an attorney-client relationship or to provide legal services as to any particular matter. This website does not convey or constitute legal advice, and is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney. Please do not act upon any information found on this website without seeking qualified legal counsel.
Employing an attorney is an important matter that you should not decide based solely upon information from a website or advertising. Attorney biographies, or other information on this website, may include descriptions of successful client representations or outcomes in particular matters. But these results portrayed are dependent on the facts of each particular matter. Results in any one case do not guarantee successful results obtained in other similar cases.
The best way for you to ask about a possible representation is to contact an attorney at BBS. BBS will then begin our conflict of interest procedure, and will ensure that you communicate with the lawyer best suited to handle your matter. We cannot treat you as a client or advise you on any legal matter until we have determined there is no conflict of interest and have specifically agreed to represent you.
To the extent the state bar rules in your jurisdiction require us to designate a principal office and an attorney responsible for this website, BBS designates its website office location headquarters as 1621 SE 33rd Ave., Portland, OR 97214, and Darin Sands as the attorney responsible for this website.
Legal Disclaimer
BBS does not collect personal information through its website.